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Making Fitness Fun: Exercise on Vacation

Exercise on vacation

When we think of vacations, relaxation, indulgence, and escape from daily routines often come to mind. However, incorporating exercise into your vacation can be a rewarding and invigorating experience. By staying active during your time away, you not only maintain your fitness level but also enhance your overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of exercise on vacation and provide practical tips on how to make fitness a part of your travel itinerary.

Check out the video below to see how I am getting my cardio in while I am in London!

There are as many excuses to NOT exercise while on vacation as there is TO exercise while on vacation. The thing is you have to look at the big picture.

Embrace the Scenic Outdoors

One of the greatest advantages of vacationing is the opportunity to explore new surroundings. Take advantage of the beautiful landscapes, beaches, mountains, or parks in your destination. Engage in activities like hiking, biking, swimming, or beach volleyball to experience the destination’s natural beauty while getting a workout at the same time. This way, you can stay active while creating lasting memories.

Seek Active Excursions

Seeking active excursions during your vacation is a fantastic way to combine adventure, exploration, and fitness. These excursions offer opportunities to engage in exhilarating activities that not only challenge you physically but also allow you to immerse yourself in the unique experiences your destination has to offer. Here are some popular active excursion ideas to consider:

  1. Snorkeling and Scuba Diving: If you’re visiting a coastal or tropical destination, diving into the crystal-clear waters for snorkeling or scuba diving can be an extraordinary adventure. Discover vibrant coral reefs, fascinating marine life, and underwater landscapes that will leave you in awe. Snorkeling and scuba diving provide excellent full-body workouts while giving you a chance to explore the mesmerizing world beneath the surface.
  2. Kayaking and Canoeing: Exploring waterways and coastlines by kayak or canoe can be both invigorating and serene. Paddle through tranquil rivers, picturesque lakes, or even oceanic caves, depending on your location. These activities engage your upper body strength, core muscles, and cardiovascular system, while also allowing you to connect with nature and appreciate breathtaking views.
  3. Zip-lining and Canopy Tours: For adrenaline junkies seeking a thrilling experience, zip-lining and canopy tours are an excellent choice. Soar through the treetops, gliding from platform to platform, and marvel at stunning panoramic views. This high-flying adventure challenges your courage, coordination, and balance, providing an exhilarating workout that will leave you with unforgettable memories.
  4. Rock Climbing and Via Ferrata: If you’re drawn to the mountains, rock climbing or via ferrata (protected climbing routes) can be an incredible way to challenge yourself physically and mentally. Scale rugged cliffs, navigate vertical terrains, and conquer heights while enjoying the breathtaking mountain vistas. Rock climbing and via ferrata demand strength, endurance, and problem-solving skills, making them ideal for those seeking a more intense adventure.
  5. Trekking and Hiking: Immerse yourself in nature and embark on trekking or hiking expeditions that take you through stunning landscapes, lush forests, or rugged mountain trails. Research popular trails or hire a local guide who can lead you to hidden gems off the beaten path. Trekking and hiking improve your cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your leg muscles, and allow you to connect with the natural world while appreciating the scenic beauty around you.
  6. Adventure Parks and Obstacle Courses: Many vacation destinations feature adventure parks or obstacle courses designed to test your physical abilities. These parks often include activities like rope courses, climbing walls, high ropes challenges, and more. They provide an excellent opportunity for families or groups of friends to engage in friendly competition while improving strength, agility, and teamwork.

Remember to consider your fitness level and choose activities that align with your abilities and comfort zone. Prioritize safety by following instructions from trained guides, wearing appropriate gear, and adhering to established rules.

By incorporating active excursions into your vacation, you’ll not only stay fit but also create unforgettable memories and experiences. These adventures offer a unique blend of physical challenge, natural beauty, and cultural immersion, making your vacation an extraordinary and well-rounded journey. So, step out of your comfort zone, embrace the thrill, and embark on active excursions that will leave you feeling invigorated, inspired, and fulfilled.

Explore Local Fitness Facilities

Exploring local fitness facilities while on vacation is a fantastic way to maintain your exercise routine and experience different fitness environments. Here’s why and how you can make the most of these facilities during your travels:

  1. Convenience and Variety: Local fitness facilities, such as gyms, fitness centers, and yoga studios, offer a familiar setting where you can continue your workouts or try new activities. These facilities provide a range of equipment, classes, and amenities, allowing you to maintain your preferred exercise regimen or explore new fitness options. From weightlifting and cardio machines to group fitness classes like yoga, spinning, or Zumba, you’ll have access to diverse workout opportunities.
  2. Local Expertise and Community: Visiting a local fitness facility exposes you to local expertise and a chance to connect with fellow fitness enthusiasts. Engaging with trainers, instructors, and gym-goers can offer valuable insights into local fitness trends, techniques, and even hidden gems in the area. You may discover new exercises, training methods, or group activities that can enhance your fitness journey while forming connections with like-minded individuals.
  3. Cultural Immersion: By exploring local fitness facilities, you can gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and lifestyle. These facilities often reflect the fitness preferences and habits of the community, providing you with a glimpse into their approach to health and wellness. Additionally, you may encounter classes or activities that showcase the region’s traditional exercise practices, allowing you to participate in cultural experiences while staying active.
  4. Flexibility and Convenience: Many vacation destinations offer flexible membership options at local fitness facilities, allowing you to access their services on a short-term or drop-in basis. This flexibility enables you to tailor your fitness routine to fit your vacation schedule. Whether you’re staying for a few days or a couple of weeks, you can find facilities that offer daily or weekly passes, ensuring you can maintain your fitness goals without long-term commitments.
  5. Research and Planning: Before your trip, take some time to research local fitness facilities near your accommodation or popular tourist areas. Check their websites or reach out to them directly to understand their offerings, opening hours, pricing, and any requirements for visitor access. This preparation allows you to plan your workouts or reserve class spots in advance, ensuring a seamless fitness experience during your vacation.
  6. Outdoor Fitness Classes: Some destinations offer outdoor fitness classes conducted in parks, beaches, or other scenic locations. These classes provide a refreshing change of scenery while allowing you to soak up the natural surroundings. Look for outdoor yoga, boot camps, or even stand-up paddleboarding fitness classes, as they offer a unique opportunity to exercise amidst breathtaking landscapes.
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Remember to pack appropriate workout attire, a water bottle, and any necessary accessories specific to your preferred exercises. Additionally, be mindful of local customs or etiquette when using the facilities, such as bringing a towel or following dress codes if applicable.

Pack Portable Fitness Gear

Packing portable fitness gear for your vacation ensures that you have the tools you need to stay active and maintain your fitness routine while on the go. Here are some considerations and suggestions for packing portable fitness gear:

  1. Space and Weight Considerations: When choosing portable fitness gear, prioritize items that are lightweight, compact, and easy to pack. Opt for gear that doesn’t take up much space in your luggage and won’t add excessive weight. Look for collapsible or foldable equipment that can be easily stored when not in use.
  2. Resistance Bands: Resistance bands are versatile and portable exercise tools that can be used for a wide range of strength and resistance exercises. They come in different resistance levels and can target various muscle groups. Resistance bands are lightweight, take up minimal space, and can be used for workouts anywhere, whether in your hotel room or outdoors.
  3. Jump Rope: A jump rope is an excellent portable fitness accessory that provides an effective cardio workout. It takes up very little space in your luggage and can be used for a quick and intense cardio session. Jumping rope improves cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and agility, making it an ideal travel companion.
  4. Yoga Mat: If you enjoy practicing yoga or floor exercises, packing a lightweight and foldable yoga mat is a great idea. It provides a comfortable and clean surface for your workouts, whether you’re practicing yoga poses, doing core exercises, or stretching. Yoga mats can easily be rolled up or folded and fit nicely in your luggage.
  5. Suspension Trainer: A suspension trainer, such as TRX or other similar brands, is a portable and versatile tool for strength training. These trainers use bodyweight resistance and allow you to perform a wide range of exercises targeting different muscle groups. Suspension trainers typically come with straps that can be easily attached to doors, trees, or other secure anchor points, making them suitable for indoor or outdoor workouts.
  6. Portable Dumbbells: If you prefer weightlifting exercises, consider packing portable dumbbells. There are various options available, such as adjustable dumbbells or water-filled dumbbells that can be emptied and filled again at your destination. These compact dumbbells allow you to perform a variety of strength exercises without taking up much space in your luggage.
  7. Fitness Apps and Online Workouts: Don’t forget that your smartphone can be a valuable fitness tool. Download fitness apps or access online workout videos that provide guided workouts and exercises. These resources often require little to no equipment, making them perfect for travel workouts in your hotel room or outdoor spaces.

Remember to check the transportation rules and regulations regarding fitness gear if you’re flying or taking public transportation. Some equipment, such as dumbbells, may not be allowed in certain situations.

By packing portable fitness gear, you have the flexibility to stay active wherever your vacation takes you. These compact and versatile tools ensure that you can maintain your fitness routine, engage in strength and resistance training, and enjoy effective workouts without relying on a fully-equipped gym. So, pack your portable fitness gear, stay committed to your health and well-being, and make your vacation an active and rejuvenating experience.

Prioritize Active Transportation

Explore your destination on foot or by bike whenever possible. Walking or cycling not only provides an opportunity for exercise but also allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture and discover hidden gems. Opt for walking tours, bike rentals, or public transportation whenever feasible to incorporate physical activity into your sightseeing.

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Plan Active Rest Days

While it’s important to stay active during your vacation, it’s equally crucial to allow your body time to rest and recover. Plan a balance between active and rest days, giving your muscles a chance to recuperate. Utilize rest days for relaxation, stretching, or activities like yoga or Pilates that promote flexibility and mindfulness.

Involve Your Travel Companions

Encourage your travel companions, whether they are friends or family members, to join you in your fitness pursuits. Participating in physical activities together not only strengthens relationships but also creates shared experiences and motivates each other to stay active. Consider organizing friendly competitions or challenges to make exercise more enjoyable and engaging.


Incorporating exercise into your vacation can transform it into a holistic and rejuvenating experience. By embracing the outdoors, seeking active excursions, exploring local fitness facilities, packing portable gear, prioritizing active transportation, planning rest days, and involving your travel companions, you can maintain your fitness regimen while enjoying the benefits of relaxation and exploration. Remember, exercise on vacation is not about strict routines, but rather about finding joy in movement and making fitness an integral part of your travel experience. So, lace up your sneakers, pack your workout gear, and embark on a journey that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. Bon voyage and happy exercising!

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