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Can Foods Help To Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk?

Can Foods Help To Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk?

Is there any link between foods and prostate cancer? Can any change in your lifestyle reduce your risk of this rapidly growing cancer? Statistics are alarming as there is a rise in cases with this chronic disease. Explore foods that help to reduce prostate cancer risk.

This notion can be new to many of you. However, there are some risks that cannot be avoided at all. But there are many factors that can help you lower your risk.

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The prostate is a small masculine gland. It is responsible for the secretion of seminal fluid. When there is a change in the DNA of the prostate, it leads to a chronic disease that is known as prostate cancer.


According to the latest statistics of the USA, deaths due to prostate cancer have hit the highest numbers in the last two decades. If you analyze the population of the US, it becomes obvious that black Americans are more at risk than white Americans.

Disease Of Aging

It is true that this is a disease of aging. Men above 50 are more vulnerable.

Race And Genes

For this particular type of cancer, your race and genes play a crucial role. For African Americans, chances are double to developing this cancer as compared to the other races.

If your father or forefathers or any immediate blood relations have had this cancer, your chances may rise.

Generally, Americans are more prone to prostate cancer than Asian men. The experts believe that there are some factors such as climate, lifestyle, and eating habits that cause this difference.

Can Foods Help To Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk?

Surely, scientists are researching this aspect. They have found some foods that are worse for prostate health. Similarly, some can improve your prostate health and help to reduce the risk of cancer at an older age.

But it is quite obvious that a healthy lifestyle helps you to improve your immunity. As a result, you are in a better position to fight against the disease.

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Indeed, a lousy eating habit may lead to numerous health issues. So, switching over to a healthy, active, and positive lifestyle can do wonders for you.

Improve Your Diet

Generally speaking, the world has switched to junk and unhealthy food options. Since junk foods take more time than healthy ones for digesting, it acts as a catalyst in contributing to poor health.

You need to stop eating some foods that are accelerating your risks of cancer. Avoid overcooked, canned, deep-fried, or foods that have a longer shelf life.

Be wise while buying your food items. Never fall for  the so-called engaging taglines or slogans of healthy food, organic food, freshly packed, etc.

Avoid Charred Meat

Multiple pieces of research have confirmed that charred meat develops poisonous chemicals that increase your chance of developing cancer.  Because this meat is grilled or cooked at higher temperatures, the important nutrients are wasted and bad chemicals are produced and consumed.

Reduce Saturated Fats Intake

Saturated fats are good if you consume a very little amount. These fats accumulate bad cholesterol in your arteries. So, it can become the cause of various chronic diseases if you eat too many portions of these fats.

In a study that has been made by Dr. Hannun, saturated fats are found to be the main reason for deaths due to prostate cancer.

The main source of this fat is animals. If your diet comprises this fat, and you have an inactive lifestyle, it means you are increasing the risks of cancer.

Minimize Sugar Intake

Many proven studies have revealed that cancer absorbs sugar at a higher level. Cancerous cells act like a sponge when soaking into glucose. So, eating too much sugar makes you vulnerable.

Sugar that you consume through beverages is not good for your prostate. So, try to eliminate sugar from your diet.

Avoid Instant Energy Drink

Experts believe that the men who have a habit of drinking energy drinks can be causing harm to their prostate.

Incorporate The Following Foods

Food wheel

Fruits And Veggies

Undoubtedly, fresh fruits and vegetables help to improve your health. Leafy green vegetables and tomatoes enriched with lycopene can slow down the process of cancer.

Similarly, fruits are the main source of antioxidants. Besides this, cruciferous also helps to ensure your prostate health.


As avocados contain bristol. This element is considered to have amazing benefits. One is to reduce the risk of cell damage in men in the prostate.


Experts believe that the juice of pomegranate or even the extracts can reduce the rising level of PSA (Prostate-specific antigen). Further, it helps you to reduce your cancer risks.


An amazing bitter spice is full of anticancer characteristics. It can help you fight against the spread of the damage of your prostate cells.


A special kind of pepper. It originated from the spice land, Chili. It is enriched with the property to kill the cancer cells.


Yes, consuming one portion of broccoli in a week is indeed extremely helpful in lowering the risk of cancer.

Add Green Tea And Soy

It is interesting to know that green tea and soy are good shields against cancer. Soy lowers the PSA level. Consequently, helping men reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

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Dr. Harris has provided enough studies that relate the consumption of fish and the risk of cancer. He believes that there is a significant reduction in developing cancer. His studies have explained well the correlation between fish and cancer.


Salmon and some other fatty fish can play a vital role for the men who are at risk. A sufficient amount of this fish in your diet ensures a healthy prostate. That means it helps to shrink your enlarged prostate.

Brazilian Nuts

A heavenly food that has a miraculous bonding with cancer. Many pieces of research have found this nut is full of the mineral selenium that ensures your prostate’s health.

The World Cancer Research Foundation has found that this nut may reduce the risk factors. In addition to this, it also helps to shrink the prostate to avoid any chronic health issues. The experts believe that  the consumption of only one ounce of this supreme nut is sufficient.

So, it is highly recommended by the experts to incorporate this nut into your diet.

Pumpkin Seeds

Polyphenols and some bioactive compounds are famous as chemo-preventive agents. They help to reduce the risk of cancer. And, luckily, pumpkin seeds are enriched with these two compounds.

These seeds contain zinc that helps to reduce the enlarged prostate. Pumpkin seeds have a fantastic role in minimizing the risk among men.

Asian Mushrooms

The pieces of different research have proved that mushrooms play a significant role in fighting against cancer.

A popular study has shown many surprising statistics about adding mushrooms to your diet. It says that men who consume 3 servings per week have an 8% lower risk of cancer… that is comparing them with the men who do not eat mushrooms.

With an increased portion of mushrooms, there are lesser chances of developing cancer.


Blueberries and strawberries are full of flavonoids. In addition to this, there are plenty of antioxidants. These antioxidants act as a strong shield against cellular damage.

So, if you add any berries to your daily diet, it can help reduce the risk of cancer.


Coffee is indeed a fantastic beverage. It has multiple health benefits. Studies have shown that the men who intake 6 cups of coffee in a day, exhibit 27% lower prostate cancer risks.

Undoubtedly, coffee is linked with reduced cancer developing risks among men.

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Olive Oil

Experts have found that if you replace your daily calories from carbs to vegetable oils, then there is a 29% lowering of cancer risk.

It is important to cut down your calorie intake from animal sources. And consuming vegetable sources for your fat portion will maximize your protection against cell damage.


The prostate is a cardinal gland. It is a masculine gland that is responsible for the production of semen fluid. Due to certain reasons, this gland can become enlarged in size which leads to cellular damage. This change in the DNA is known as prostate cancer. Many studies have unrevealed that some food helps to reduce prostate cancer risk. Tomatoes are always on the top of the list. Besides this, fatty fish, vegetable oil, fruits, and vegetables can prolong this damage. So, this is the time to begin your journey to a healthy prostate even at older ages. Eating healthy ensures your health.



The content in this article is for educational purposes. These pieces of advice do not replace any professional medical advice. This is for general public awareness about the issue. If you have any chronic health issues, always consult your certified medical professional.

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