Vitamins & Supplements

5 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Being a fitness buff and a health advocate, I am always looking for the latest and greatest ways to improve my health. I have heard that apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, and I know what you are thinking…isn’t that for salads? I thought the same thing; so I decided to do a little digging. My Sherlock Holmes moment!

I asked myself should I supplement with it? If I do, will I find that it lives up to the hype? Well, let’s take a journey together and see.

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Which one?

The first thing I found is that not all Apple Cider Vinegar is equal. You must make sure to get the right kind. What is the right kind? Great question. Be sure you get the apple cider vinegar that has “mother” in it. Why mother and what in the world is that?

What is the Mother? The mother in ACV is the brown stuff which you find floating at the bottom of the bottle of apple cider vinegar. It sounds gross. But that is the best bit. The “mother” is the result of fermentation. It contains all the enzymes and live bacteria which make the apple cider vinegar so full of healthy stuff.

Next, make sure you get the one that looks murky and cloudy. This means that it has more of the health benefits. The ones that are clear usually do not have the “mother” in it and has been processed more. More processed = Less Benefits. 

Finally, look for unpasteurized ACV. Pasteurization is used to kill harmful bacteria in a substance. That is a good thing for milk and cheese. However, pasteurization can also kill the good bacteria that you want in ACV, so pasteurized ACV is essentially useless. 

I decided to dig into some reviews to find which one was the best one to buy. The overwhelming high-scorer was Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. (You can see it in the image below).

Pucker Up for Some Apple Cider Vinegar

Health Benefits

The next thing I asked was, Are there really health benefits or is it just hype? 

In recent years, apple cider vinegar (ACV) has gained significant popularity as a natural health remedy. It is derived from fermented apples and has been used for centuries for various purposes. Apart from its culinary uses, ACV is hailed for its numerous health benefits. This article aims to explore five proven benefits of apple cider vinegar that have been supported by scientific research. So, let’s delve into the wonders of this natural elixir and discover how it can enhance your health and wellness.

Digestive Health:

Research has shown that a lot of your health starts in your gut. According to “Your gut bacteria and the integrity of your gut lining strongly affect your health. (1Trusted Source). According to numerous studies, undesirable bacterial products called endotoxins can sometimes leak through your gut lining and enter your bloodstream (2Trusted Source). Your immune system then recognizes these foreign molecules and attacks them — resulting in chronic inflammation (3Trusted Source)”.

One of the primary benefits of apple cider vinegar lies in its ability to promote healthy digestion. ACV contains acetic acid, which stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, aiding in the breakdown of food and enhancing nutrient absorption. It also helps to maintain a balanced pH level in the stomach, reducing the risk of acid reflux and heartburn.

Furthermore, ACV’s antimicrobial properties can assist in combating harmful bacteria in the gut, promoting a healthy balance of beneficial gut flora.

Apple cider vinegar can help calm gut woes… reflux,constipation and even food poisoning. Why? Because it contains a compound called malic acid and boasts antibacterial and antiviral properties, which can alleviate whatever’s going on in your gut. Caution! Do NOT drink apple cider vinegar straight as it can do more harm than good. It is an acid, so it can burn your esophagus and even hurt the enamel of your teeth. You need to dilute it. Usually mixing about 2 tablespoons of ACV  in 8 – 12 ounces in a glass of water will help to dilute it enough that it won’t cause any burning.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Next stop, detox.


I wanted to know if ACV is good at detoxing your body. I found that it is very good at detoxifying your body. It has vitamins and minerals. The acid has been shown to bind to toxins which can aid in removing toxins from the body. The potassium content helps to break up mucus in the body and clearing the lymph nodes.  Another way you can take your ACV is to mix a few teaspoons in hot water with honey and lemon. This is also a great detoxifying drink.

What about fat?


Another reason I take ACV is that there have been some studies that show it can slow fat accumulation.  According to, ” A more recent study randomly assigned 39 study subjects to follow a restricted calorie diet with apple cider vinegar or a restricted calorie diet without apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks.  While both groups lost weight, the apple cider vinegar group lost more.  As with many prior studies, this one was quite small and short-term”.  

In addition, several studies have shown that ACV can help suppress appetite and reduce food intake, leading to a lower calorie intake. The acetic acid in ACV also plays a crucial role in improving metabolism and fat breakdown. In a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods, participants who consumed ACV experienced increased feelings of fullness and consumed fewer calories throughout the day. However, it’s important to note that while ACV can be a helpful aid in weight management, it should be complemented by a healthy diet and regular exercise for sustainable results.

Here is another way to include apple cider vinegar in your diet, mix about a tablespoon into your homemade salad dressing and drizzle over your favorite salad. Another option is to add the ACV to some olive oil and cracked black pepper. Since I love salads, both of these seem to be very appetizing options.

Diabetes and Heart Health?

As I have mentioned before, heart problems and diabetes run in my family. Managing blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health, especially for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance.  With that said, I wanted to find out if another benefit to drinking unfiltered apple cider vinegar could help lower blood sugar levels. I went back to to see what they said. Interestingly, a “number of studies suggest that vinegar might prevent spikes in blood sugar in people with prediabetes and type 2diabetes by blocking starch absorption”.

ACV has been shown to have a positive impact on blood sugar regulation. Other research suggests that consuming ACV before a high-carbohydrate meal can significantly lower post-meal blood sugar levels. The acetic acid in ACV improves insulin sensitivity, helping the body to utilize glucose more effectively. A study conducted on individuals with type 2 diabetes found that consuming two tablespoons of ACV before bedtime resulted in lower fasting blood sugar levels the following morning. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diabetes management plan. Knowing that some of my family members are on insulin, I think it would be good to give a caution because it could lower your blood sugar too much. 

Heart Health
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Since I am a black man, my risk for heart problems are higher than average. So I wanted to check out what was said about heart health.

Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system is essential for overall well-being. Apple cider vinegar can contribute to heart health in several ways. Firstly, it helps in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing triglyceride levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. Studies have shown that regular consumption of ACV can lead to a decrease in total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Secondly, ACV’s antioxidant properties help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, which are known contributors to heart disease. However, it’s important to note that apple cider vinegar should be used as a part of a heart-healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking.

Skin and Hair Health:

Apple cider vinegar has been long recognized for its potential benefits in skin and hair care. It possesses antimicrobial properties that can help fight bacteria and fungi responsible for skin infections and dandruff. ACV’s acidity helps balance the skin’s pH levels, which is vital for maintaining a healthy skin barrier and preventing various skin conditions. Applying diluted ACV topically can help reduce acne, soothe sunburns, and improve overall skin complexion. For hair, rinsing with a mixture of water and ACV can help remove build-up from styling products, balance the scalp’s pH, and promote shiny, healthy hair.

What did I decide?

There are reports that suggest apple cider vinegar is clearly among the most healthy things you can drink daily to support your body. But remember, there are no magic pills or silver bullets when it comes to your health, but taking the right supplements such as apple cider vinegar can help you get there faster. After researching the positive and negatives of Apple Cider Vinegar, I decided that this would be a good supplement to add to my diet. Remember, I decided this because I feel that it is a good fit for me and my lifestyle. 

Of course, exercise and diet are still the most important factors in your health. By starting a fitness regimen and watching what you eat, especially staying away from sugar and processed foods, will definitely help start you on the road to good health! 

My last word of caution (I mentioned it earlier but it is worth noting again, no matter how you add ACV to your diet, make sure you never ever drink it straight. Doing so will most likely cause damage. Because it has such a high acid content, it may actually cause damage to your tooth enamel, esophagus, or stomach lining, especially with chronic use. Always be sure to dilute it. 

I listed some ways of how to incorporate ACV into your diet, but I wanted to see if there were more ways. I found this amazing recipe to try called Apple Pie Apple Cider Vinegar. This is one I will add to my morning wake me up’s! 

If you have any suggestions or comments about ACV or a recipe you would like to share, please leave it in the comments. I love hearing from my readers. We all benefit from sharing ideas, suggestions, recipes, and thoughts.


Apple Cider Vinegar 
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