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3 Reasons Why I Tried Plant-Based Meats

Plant-Based Meats Beyond meat burgers and sausage meat case
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Why Plant-Based Meats?

Why did I decide to try plant-based meats? That is an excellent question and one that I put a lot of thought into.

Plant-based meats are becoming the topic of a lot of conversations. You see it advertised a lot more as people navigate to a healthier life-style.

Now, advertising is not the only reason that I decided to give this a try. I have many friends and even family members who tout the health benefits as they turn more to a vegetarian diet. This doesn’t mean that they never eat animal products, it just means they are trying to limit animal products such as red meats from their diet.

This led me to digging into this more.

Are there health benefits?

For me, I like to know that the food I eat has health benefits. I am not saying that I don’t splurge with an unhealthy meal now and then, but, for the most part, I want to be sure that what I am putting in my body will be healthy. So, I put on my research hat and started to dig.

I found from most sources that plant-based meats contain many vitamins and minerals because they are fortified into the mixture in order to have the nutritional match of beef. The protein sources include soy and potato, and the fat comes from coconut oil and sunflower oil, and the binding agent used is methylcellulose.

Since I like the Beyond Meat brand better than others that I have tried, I am going to speak mainly on this one. According to, “two nutritionists praised the fact that the burger contains 2 grams of fiber, or 8% of the recommended daily value. A few also said the burger was a good source of protein, since it has the same protein content of a traditional 3-ounce beef patty (around 20 grams)”. I know that a lot of people don’t get enough fiber in their diet so that is a plus to me.

Fiber is important to have in your diet for many reasons… it helps you feel fuller for longer, can improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels and can assist in preventing some diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and bowel cancer. If you feel fuller longer, you tend to eat less which leads to weight loss or weight control.

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Not only is the fiber a plus, but the 20 grams of protein is a huge one for me. Since I workout a lot and am over 50 years old, it is important that I get enough protein to, not only build muscle, but also to maintain the muscle I have. In addition to the reasons I make sure I get enough protein, lists these reasons as well:

  • Transporting molecules throughout the body
  • Helping repair cells and make new ones
  • Protecting the body from viruses and bacteria
  • Promoting proper growth and development in children, teenagers, and pregnant women

So those two things – fiber and protein – were big influencers in my decision.

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Curiosity killed the cat!

The next reason I tried plant-based meats is plain and simple… I was curious. When I saw the advertisements, I thought to myself, does this really meat alternative really look and taste like what they advertise? I mean really? Come on! Check these commercials out.

Now tell me, after seeing those commercials, you are not curious. Both made my mouth water! And anyone who knows me, know I LOVE to eat! It’s funny, but when people were asked why they either switched to plant-based meats or added them to their menu, the majority said it was out of curiosity. I guess I am not alone.

Plant-based meats have come a long way from when they were first introduced back in the early 1980’s when they were referred to as “veggie burgers”. I have to admit, I did try “veggie burgers” and swore that I would never eat a burger made from “veggies” again. I am here to tell you that these commercials made me change my mind.

COVID-19 and the Planet

The news is full of stories about COVID-19 and the effects it is having on everything in our daily lives. More recently we have heard about meat shortages due to this virus. With plant-based meats, there is an alternative if animal meats run short. The media has been reporting that as meat plants close, the closures could impact about 25% of meat production. Another interesting thing I found is that the demand for animal meat alternatives has increased a lot since the virus reared it’s ugly head.  I plan to follow this after we pass through this pandemic.

We also hear about saving and protecting the planet. This is a HOT topic. We want to be sure that our future generations have a healthy environment. One way to do that is to reduce our carbon footprint. How do we do that? Among many things, eating a plant-based diet can help the environment, simply because growing plants uses less resources and less space than does raising animals for food. Makes a lot of sense, right?


Final thoughts

Will I go to a purely plant-based diet? Probably not. I enjoy animal meats. Will I eat plant-based meats? Sure, it is a great addition to my meal plans. The nice thing is there are options. If we do have a shortage of animal products, this diet will leave me satisfied.  And even if there is not a shortage, I still can add this to my diet. Balance is the key just like everything in life.

I wanted to give you some of the pros and cons

Provides fiber May lack some of the nutrients in animal meat
20 Grams of Protein Can be expensive
Good Flavor People with peanut allergies have to be careful
Good for the Planet
Could lower the risk of certain cancers

Do you think you would give plant-base meats a try? Let me know. Share some of your thoughts and experiences. I would love to strike up a conversation. Remember that we all learn from each other. That is the beauty of it all. We share ideas and information.

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