Health and Fitness Tips

What Healthy Foods Aren’t As Healthy As People Think?

Are They Really Healthy Foods?

Yes, for sure, there are many foods that you consume as a healthy option, but these can be misleading Sometimes they can bring serious health issues. So, here are some foods that aren’t as healthy as people think.

Healthy Food

Undoubtedly, there are no foods that are purely healthy. Some foods can have health benefits for one individual, but can be harmful to another individual.

For instance, if you find cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, etc are largely beneficial for yourself,  but for someone who has a deficiency disorder with selenium or sodium, it can create more risk.

The same can happen with milk and yogurt. Most people think of these as great sources of calcium, but if you have any allergy to digesting these two food items then obviously it can be harmful for you.

What Is Healthy Food?

Certainly, there are no set rules to tag food as a purely healthy food. Food that provides you multiple nutrients to fuel your body would be considered healthy food.

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However, this is not the criteria for everyone. Trust me, there is not a single food on the planet earth that is 100% healthy or unhealthy. The truth is that healthy food is a mixture of many things – the way you eat your food and how you feel after consuming that food? Your body can tell when you eat “junk food”.

Moreover, the experts believe that fresh, semi-cooked vegetables and lean meats are healthy choices in general.

As being part of a digital world, you may have switched over to remote working. We can forget to walk away from work. Unplug so our body can restore itself.  So, it is crucial for you to find time for yourself and spend it in nature. Even though simple food and living help with a healthier you, exercise is also important to becoming a more healthy you.

What Is Unhealthy Food?

Unhealthy does not sound good. But the fact is that there are a lot of foods that you may consider healthy that are actually unhealthy. Sounds counterintuitive… right? Well, let’s examine it.

For a general thumb rule, a food that is not fulfilling your need of getting nutrients, and is not improving your health is unhealthy food.

Although many among you practice this generally, the important thing is to remember that healthy foods always grow and never have any ingredients. Such foods are never tagged with healthy or organic foods.

The list is long indeed! Let’s revealed the foods that have become a crucial part of your daily diet.

What Foods Are Actually Unhealthy?

Now the next important step is to identify the really healthy and unhealthy foods. The foods that are tagged with organic food or low fat or fat-free foods are actually are not healthy. Unfortunately, they possess more sugar and fat and higher calories than ordinary food items.

Fat-free? Sure but it is actually overdosed with sugar and hence higher in calories. So, apparently, you trading off lower fat consumption for the addition of more sugar.

All-natural? Another amazing food hashtag is all-natural but a look at the ingredients will make it clear that they contain many unhealthy additives. Unfortunately under the shadow of all-natural, you are clearly harming your health.

Organic? Another popular slogan with modern people. But have you ever thought that what is labeled an organic food is actually processed packaged food?

Superfoods? Miraculous Healthy Food, superfoods, these are just marketing slogans to attract the consumers. If you have planned to buy something truly natural or organic, you will hardly be able to find them in the superstores.

Sandwiches In The Lap of Luxury

Yes, the shocking food that lies at the top of the list is a luxury sandwich. Like subs or any other kind of sandwich that comes from a restaurant  are not a healthy option. These contain very few nutrients and fibers. They contain processed meats and canned vegetables, preservatives to name a few things. And even after eating them, many times you get hungry quickly after your meal.

Another dark side of these is they provide you fats.


Cheese, certainly, you will be surprised to know that cheese is not as healthy as you think. You are well aware of the fact that saturated fats are very unhealthy for your heart. So in this case you get to analyze the nutrition facts at the back of the product.

A little amount of fat is healthy, but if you eat too much then it becomes unhealthy. So, here the fact lies that how much of what you eat contributes to whether it is considered healthy or unhealthy. The experts are generally of the view that cheese with lower fat is a healthier version than the full fat versions.

Apple Cider Vinegar A Silent Killer

You come across many people who swear by its effectiveness. But if you exceed its consumption, you can have some serious health issues.

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Vinegar can be harmful to your tooth enamel and gradually eats up your digestive tract due to its acidity nature.

Fruit Juices

Usually, you think that fruit juices are a healthy snack alternative. But whether they come in packaging or you prepare them freshly – both ways actually strips the skin, the seeds, and the fiber also. So, you lose the actual beneficial parts of a fruit. Plus you add in sugar, so this added sugar is a proven unhealthy ingredient in your diet.

One more fact about fruit juices is that they are high in calories that can cause overeating. Although you consume fruit juices, these are not really a lighter or healthier option for you.

Soy Protein

If you are a lover of soy protein, here is a fact about it. There is no arguing about its nutritional value, but if you consume a  large amount, it can lead to a deficiency of minerals.

Ready To Eat Meal Salads

If you are one of the people who believe that meal salads are healthy, then you are not only the one. Me too, and many friends of mine are of the same view and consume a lot. But it is shocking that the fact is not so.

There is no doubt that chicken or fish or potatoes are healthy but the way you consume them makes them unhealthy.

Adding cheese and other things like croutons and bacon bits contribute to the unhealthiness of ready to eat salads.

These meal salads are loaded with added salt and sugar that add to their unhealthy nature.


A cruesli is tempted with the writing with whole-grain cereal product. It is adorned with all kinds of fruit. All these things sound healthier but actually, the product is unhealthy.

The company does not tell you about the downside of the product. The so-called whole grains are mixed up with too much and unnecessary sugar or sugar syrup. This packs on empty calories.

So, if you are on the journey of losing extra pounds this is toxic for you.


It is true if you say that nuts are very healthy. But they are high in fat constituents. So, even a small amount of nuts can load you with too many calories. You must limit your consumption of nuts in order for them to be healthy.


Most of the oil manufacturers claim that their oil is cholesterol-free. Oil is healthy. You are enticed with such fancy slogans. But wait a minute here!

Regardless of the fact whether it is cholesterol-free, it remains a source of fat. There is no healthy oil on the surface. So, you need to be careful while using and consuming oil per meal.


It will be surprising for many of you that sushi is not as healthy as you think.

Again the sugar is added as the main spice ingredient. You are actually not consuming any fibers. So, you eat more sushi than you would normally eat in other meals.

Lean Sausages

You come across another product that is touted as healthy food. Lean or smoked sausages.

These are actually making you consume more fats than the real chicken fillet or ham slices. They are also highly processed.

Rice Cakes

Rice when you consume it in its raw form is healthy food. But rice cakes are not as beneficial to your health as raw rice can be.

Rice cakes are coated and loaded with sugar or sugar syrup then they can be coated in nuts so adding up more calories in a lesser meal.

They are lower in fibers. So, if you consume it as a main meal then it is not a recommended and healthy option.


An interesting fact about milk is that humans are the only animals on the planet earth who drink milk throughout their lives – both mother’s milk and then other animals’. So, if you consume a recommended daily amount and do not drink too much it is as healthy but when you drink it too much then it can be harmful.


Whether you are a huge fan of granola. You consume it with yogurt or in granola bars. Here are a few important facts to know about granola.

Granola sounds very tasty and healthy as they come with oats, dried fruits, or nuts. But when they are rolled up with sugar, molasses, or sugar syrup. there is nothing healthy left behind. Too much fat and sugar with excessive calories can ruin your health.

Vitamin water

You and me, all of us are really overwhelmed with superfoods. And now being bombarded with super water. Yes, another popular notion is vitamin water. Although they may have vitamins or not, they attract buyers.

But these have nothing to do with your health. Undoubtedly, water is life. So water consumption plays a vital role in staying healthy and fit. When the manufacturer combines water and minerals artificially then it adds up to more calories in the form of sugar and color – an incredibly insane product emerges that is called vitamin water.

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Hence, it is very obvious that there are a lot more foods that we consume as healthy but they are not. But with this notion that there is no food that you claim to be 100% healthy or unhealthy. You have to check the packaging properly before making any choice. Undoubtedly, if a product comes with low-fat, organic, or “healthy” on the package, it does not mean that it will meet the standards of being healthy. Take a new start with a critical look of all healthy foods that you are consuming.

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