Health and Fitness Tips

Workout Drinks – Which are the best for 50 somethings?

What Are The Best Post- And Pre- Workout Drinks For Men In Their 50’s?

A workout means heavy sweating, tearing of muscles, and soreness. If you are a lucky man in your 50’s, then you require the best post and pre-workout drinks for boosting your energy, and recovering from workouts.

Energy and recovery drinks are essential for 50 somethings in particular. Pre-workout drinks fuel you up with vitality and stamina. While post-workout drinks help in relaxing, hydrating, and immediate regain of your energy.

Before beginning your workout for a healthy lifestyle, you need sufficient levels of vigor and endurance. Choose the pre-workout drinks according to your exercise.

If you experience profound sweating and tearing of muscles after a workout, you need some energy drinks that hydrate and provide you with a rich amount of amino acids.

Do you Need A Good Energy Drink Before A Workout?

The answer is yes, for sure. You need a good energy drink before a workout. The main ingredients in energy drinks are caffeine, vitamin B, and taurine. These miraculous nutrients provide you with zeal and zest to enhance your stamina for workouts.

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Benefits Of Energy Drinks For Men In Their 50’s

During a workout, you need to stay hydrated. A good energy drink before your workout ensures fewer fluid loss from your body during a workout. So, it keeps you hydrated.

There are plenty of options for drinks. You can pick any of your choices to stay hydrated and augmented during your exercise.

What Are The Cons Of Energy, And Recovery Drinks For Men In Their 50’s?

Guys (and gals) like you need intake and consumption of nutritious drinks that may aid them during and after a workout. Boomers require more fuel to improve their performance in exercise.

Exercise is very crucial for healthy living. But it is very important to remember that you need to make wise decisions in choosing and consuming any energy or recovery drink.

Cons Of Energy And Recovery Drinks

Are some genuine questions making it difficult to decide what to choose? If your answer is yes, then here you are going to have a very clear picture regarding artificial energy or recovery drinks.

Most of the drinks have caffeine as their basic nutrient. If you consume an excessive amount of caffeine, it can lead to multiple side effects.

You can have restlessness, anxiety, and insomnia. This is diuretic in nature which means you may need to urinate quite often.

Recommendations By The Experts

Moreover, experts are not in favor of these artificial drinks. You should consume organic and nutritious alternatives. These natural and refreshing energy and recovery drinks can be easily prepared at home. You can prepare them in no time.

Which Are The Best Energy Drinks Before Workout?

For finding out the best energy drink for yourself, you need to look at their nutritive value. If it will provide you with all the recommended nutrients, then it is a wise choice.

The shelves of a mall are overwhelmed with the variety of such energy boosters that claim to be natural and effective. But here be cautious and wise enough in selecting any of them.

Artificial Energy Drinks

These drinks claim to be rich in nutrients. The slogans are super engaging. They  make you want to go and buy them.

But remember, artificial drinks have quite a bit of unnecessary sugar that may be harmful in the long run. Artificial sodium in these drinks may lead you to obesity.

So, consuming artificial boosters is not a healthy choice. Although there is a huge supply of vitality-boosting drinks in the market. The best 5 are  below:

  • Rockstar
  • Monster Energy Drink
  • Red Bull Energy Drink
  • Mountain Dew AMP
  • REIZE Energy Drink


Undoubtedly, Rockstar prevails in the whole market. It is considered to be the most popular energy drink before an exercise. It has an ample amount of caffeine in it. It immediately boosts up stamina and endurance that is crucial for a workout.

Monster Energy Drink

Furthermore, the athletes, stars, and musicians buy Monster Energy Drinks like hotcakes. People who consume it claim that it fuels them up and accelerates their performance.

Red Bull Energy Drink

Red Bull energy drinks are full of caffeine, taurine, sugar, and some vitamins. These elements make it a perfect choice for an instant energy boost.

Mountain Dew AMP

Mountain Dew AMP is a quality energy booster from Pepsico. Like other energy drinks, it provides you with a good amount of caffeine. Roughly, it is estimated that a can of Mountain Dew gives you caffeine as two cups of coffee.

Not only does it fuel you up for your workout, but it also improves your endurance.

REIZE Energy Drink

Reize energy drink stands out in the crowd as it is sugar-free. Its ingredients are semi different from other energy drinks. It contains caffeine, amino acids, vitamins, etc.

So, they claim to be more effective in showing instant results.


Although these energy drinks and many others claim to be the best options for an athlete, or a person who is going to the gym, these drinks have caffeine, taurine, amino acids, and vitamins. But these ingredients are artificial.

If you consume these drinks for a long period of time, these may lead to side effects. Too much consumption of artificial caffeine may lead to insomnia, anxiety, and headaches.

Homemade And Organic Energy Boosters

Can you make your energy-boosting drink at home? Yes, it’s true that you can prepare your energy drinks before a workout at home with organic ingredients. Besides this, you can consume these drinks with no worries.

  • Cherry Lemonade
  • Beetroot Juice
  • Coffee
  • Green Tea
  • Chia Berry Juice

These all are tested and highly recommended top energy drinks before a workout for men in their 50’s.

Now check out quick recipes for all the drinks.

Cherry Lemonade


  • â…“ cup chopped cherry
  • â…“ cup lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • A pinch of fennel seed powder


Put the cherries with fennel seed powder in a blender. Blend it well. Now add honey and lemon juice. Stir it and consume it before your workout.

Cherries are famous for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it will help you to restore your muscles after a workout. Adding lemon will make it an incredible pre-workout drink for men.

Beetroot Juice


  • 2 beetroots, peel them, and chop in cubes.
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Table salt according to taste


Add chopped beetroots in a blender with a little amount of water and blend it well. Now add in lemon juice and salt. Stir it and enjoy the drink.

Beetroots are the most nutritious vegetable. It is naturally sweetened. This energy drink is considered to be the best pre-workout drink. It improves your exercise performance and stamina for a workout.



  • 1 tablespoon of instant coffee
  • 300ml of hot water


First of all, boil water. Now add coffee into your mug. And pour hot water on it. Stir it well. Consume this super energetic drink.

Coffee is enriched in caffeine. This is a natural source of consuming caffeine. So, it improves your performance for your workout.

Green Tea

Green Tea
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  • 1 mug of hot water
  • 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves


Boil water in a pan. When it is boiled then add green tea leaves. At this stage turn off the flame. Let it seep for 5mins. After 5 mins, strain your green tea and enjoy before going for your workout.

Green tea is famous for its antioxidant features. It helps you to utilize your body’s stored energy during a workout. So, this does not only boost your energy but also helps you not to feel hungry.

Chia Berry Juice


  • â…“ cup strawberries
  • â…“ cup blueberries
  • 10-15 mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds


Take a mixer, and add all the ingredients to it. Blend them well. Take it out in a glass. Enjoy your organic and the best energy drink before you go for a workout.

Natural sugars and antioxidant nature will help you to have less fatigue and soreness in your muscles after an exercise.


Why Do You Need A Recovery Drink After Workout?

Like an energy booster, you need a recovery drink after a workout. Because exercise results in heavy perspiration, fatigue, and soreness, an instant recovery post-workout drink will help you to mend your tissues. It also helps you to normalize your fluid balance in the body.

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These post recovery drinks help you to normalize your fluid and other ions levels in your body.

Although you find it hard to choose the best recovery drink. If you are a golden ager, then focus more on nutrition than an ads campaign. The experts always recommend getting hooked on organic ingredients. As these have more benefits and fewer side effects.

What’re The Best Natural Recovery Drinks After Workout?

Furthermore, post-workout recovery drinks help you to rebuild your muscles and torn tissues. These help in lowering fatigue and soreness. You need semi-solids right after your workout.

The shops are bombarded with the name and claim the right natural protein drinks for post-workouts. You can consume any of them but not recommended for a long period of time.

These drinks come with artificial sugar even though they claim they are sugar-free. Artificial recovery drinks have preservatives. And above all, you do not know what ingredients actually the manufacturer has used.

So, here, you are advised to choose any of the below natural post-workout recovery drinks. These are nutritious with no side effects.

  • Coconut Water
  • Pomegranate Passion
  • Watermelon Energizer
  • Banana Chocolate Shake
  • Protein Smoothie

Coconut Water


  • 350 ml of coconut water
  • 3 tablespoons of finely chopped coconut


Take coconut water and add chopped coconut into it. Stir it. Consume it chilled.

Indeed, coconut is full of natural electrolytes. If you consume it after exercise, it helps you to restore the balance of salts and electrolytes after a workout.

Pomegranate Passion

  • 1 cup of pomegranate
  • 3 tablespoons of passion fruit pulp
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


Put pomegranate, passionfruit pulp, and honey into a mixer. Blend it well. Add honey and stir it. Enjoy the heavenly recovery drink.

Pomegranate is found to be the best fruit for recovery after a workout.

Watermelon Energizer


  • ½ cup watermelon
  • ½ cup coconut water
  • Salt according to our taste
  • ½ tablespoon of lemon juice


Put all the ingredients into a mixer. Blend them well until you get a smooth mixture.

Enjoy the best recovery post-workout drink.

Banana Chocolate Shake


  • 3 large ripened bananas
  • 300ml of full cream milk


Peel the bananas and chop them into small slices. Put milk, and banana slices into a mixer. Mix them well until they are smooth. Bananas have natural sugars. Drink right after your workout. It will satisfy your hunger and fulfills your nutritious needs after a workout.

Protein Shake


  • 10-12 dates
  • 300 ml of full cream milk
  • 3 large ripened bananas


Deseed the dates. Peel the bananas. Put all the ingredients into a blender. Make a smooth mixture. You can sprinkle some dry fruits to enhance the nutritious value of this organic protein shake.

Dates are considered to be the most enriched fruit. These can indeed soothe you and relax your body muscles. This recovery drink rebuilds your torn and worn tissues.


I’m not kidding when I say that boomers should show concerns regarding their health and wellness. A routine workout is a must to stay healthy and fit. To make your workout an amazing element of your lives, you should consume some energy drinks before a workout. Undoubtedly, these organic drinks will help you to improve your performance and endurance during exercise. Post-workout recovery drinks are crucial for quick energy recovery. These help you to rebuild your torn tissues which results in less fatigue. And it will help you to shine brightly among the galaxies of 50 somethings.

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