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Ageless 50+ And Still Running

Still Running

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Wow! It seems just like yesterday when I could eat whatever I wanted, and as much food as I liked. My stamina was excellent and I always seemed to have tons of energy to burn off those extra empty calories without gaining any weight. Well, we all know the old saying, “Father Time is undefeated and catches up to us all”. And you know what, after I hit 50, I soon began to notice that I needed to adjust my lifestyle to compensate for my slower metabolism. I wanted to be “Ageless 50+ And Still Running”.

So, what did I do over 20 years ago?

I implemented a plan when I was 30 years old. The plan involved making two life changing adjustments. First, I added quality supplements to my diet. Second, I make sure to exercise.
It took a lot of personal research and personal testing of natural supplements. But, over time, I found several that fit my rigorous lifestyle and that have worked great for me and continue to do so. I was able to incorporate these well-known Natural Supplements into my diet and they provided me with much needed energy, stamina and aid in burning fat. These steps I did long ago have helped me to keep running.

My Supplement List

I have listed each below and provided a little information as to why I use these to supplement my diet.

  1. Black Seed Oil: I take black seed oil to help relieve my asthma, as well as burn fat and relieve muscle aches. This one has a pretty pungent taste so I always take it with something else, usually honey.
  2. Fish Oil: I take fish oil to help with my heart health and also asthma. There has been some research that also shows it helps to keep inflammation down. As we age, our joints start to wear down, studies show that this may help and, for me, it has.
  3. Moringa: In the past year or so, I have added moringa to my supplement list. I have been studying the benefits of this and I found that it is suggested that it fights free radicals in the body. As I have gotten older, I am more aware that free radicals can do a lot of damage to our body. This is one natural supplement that I have found that I trust in.
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar: This supplement is great at helping to regulate my blood sugars and burn fat. I usually dilute it with some water because it can cause burns to your esophagus as well as wear the enamel on your teeth away if you don’t dilute it.  I use 1 tablespoon to about 8 ounces of water.
  5. Probiotics: There has been a lot research on probiotics with gut health being at the top of the list. If your gut is not healthy and balanced, a whole host of other problems can follow.  I like to take the capsule form of probiotics because many of the yogurts have added sugars that I am trying to lower in my diet.

So there you have my supplement list.

Although I have enjoyed the benefits I have received by using the natural supplements listed, there are NO “Magic Pills” that can ever take the place of a regular cardio routine. Cardio doesn’t have to be just running… there are many other options. I will cover those shortly. I’ve been training for over 40 years and one thing I always notice, especially with “newbies” is that they don’t make it FUN.

Treating working out like a JOB is the fastest way to nowhere and ultimately quitting. When asked, the two points of advice that I always give to people is to KEEP IT FUN & VARIETY IS KING.

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My Cardio Session

So what do I mean and what are my Cardio sessions like? My cardio sessions vary daily.  I always keep my body guessing and never get stuck in a “BORING” routine. Since I combine my cardio session with weight training, I always make sure to do 30 minutes prior to lifting any weights. This serves several purposes for me.

It allows me time to get my heart rate up, it loosens me up for muscle group I will be working and  let’s not forget about all those calories burned.
So here is a typical cardio/weight training work week for me:

  • Monday: 30 minutes on treadmill. I do a 5 minute warm up, followed by 5 minute interval heart rate training which is usually running at a good pace and concluding with a warm down. I immediately follow the treadmill with going directly into weight training session (Chest / Traps).
  • Tuesday: 15/15 split – speed jump rope session (15 minutes with 45 second rest between 100 rep sets). Followed by a 15 minute slow jog around track and then go directly into weight training session (a heavy back workout).
  • Wednesday: Rest Day (Don’t forget to take your supplements). Rest is as important as the days you workout so make sure you take that rest day.
  • Thursday: 30 minutes on Elliptical (as pictured above) alternating speed and elevation. The elliptical offers a lower impact cardio/running option. This leads directly into training session (Bi’s/Tri’s).
  • Friday: 15 minute walk to loosen up legs.  All hands on deck for an extremely difficult  workout. LEGS!  Best Cardio day for the “MECCA” of all exercises.
  • Saturday: 30 minutes on Bike – Brisk sweat (300 calories) – Directly into weight training (Shoulders) .
  • Sunday: Rest Day (Don’t forget to take your supplements). Rest is as important as the days you workout so make sure you take that rest day.

Ageless 50+ And Still Running

To keep my body guessing, my next week of training might start with “Burpees”as my cardio session for several minutes before weight training my (Bi’s/Tri’s) to avoid routine. As I mentioned before, I always keep it FUN and add VARIETY into each week I train.

I hope some of the information I have provided you can assist you in reaching your fitness goals. As always, please consult your doctor before starting any vigorous cardio routine. 

Remember, it is not only about running. It is about getting and staying healthy. Please share your thoughts and ideas. We can all benefit and stay healthy together. And let’s keep running!

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