Effective Exercises

What is the best cardio exercise? Biking or Walking or Something else?


What’s is the best cardio?

The other day, during a conversation with a friend, the topic of what is the best cardio exercise came up. That made me think… which is the best? I didn’t have a firm answer so I decided to find out which one really is better.

I have gotten my cardio workout in many different ways. I have done biking and I have done walking. I have done jogging and I have used treadmills and other cardio machines. Is one better than the other? I feel like I have gotten a good cardio session in with each one but let’s look at them.

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Saturday! Keeping the cardio going!
Saturday! Keeping the cardio going!

Biking has always held a special place in my heart. There’s something invigorating about gliding through the open air, feeling the wind against my skin as I pedal along scenic routes. Whether it’s a leisurely ride through the park or a more intense mountain biking session, biking provides a unique blend of cardiovascular and muscular engagement.

One of the key benefits of biking is its low impact nature. Unlike high-impact activities that stress the joints, biking is gentler on the knees and hips. This makes it an ideal option for individuals with joint concerns or those who are recovering from injuries. Biking also offers an excellent lower body workout, targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles.

However, the intensity of a biking workout can vary greatly depending on factors such as terrain, speed, and resistance. While leisurely rides can provide a steady cardiovascular workout, more challenging rides – especially uphill climbs – can significantly elevate the heart rate and provide an intense calorie burn.

There are two ways you can bike. You can use a stationary bike or you can use regular outdoor bike. 

Stationary Biking:

  1. Controlled Environment: One of the standout features of stationary biking is the controlled environment it provides. You can cycle in the comfort of your home or a gym, eliminating concerns about weather conditions, traffic, or safety hazards. This predictability is especially beneficial for individuals seeking consistent workouts or those with time constraints.
  2. Customized Workouts: Stationary bikes often come equipped with adjustable resistance settings, enabling you to tailor your workouts to your fitness level and goals. This versatility is particularly useful for interval training, targeting specific muscle groups, or gradually increasing intensity as your strength improves.
  3. Data and Monitoring: Many stationary bikes are equipped with digital displays that track key metrics such as distance, speed, heart rate, and calories burned. This real-time feedback allows you to monitor your progress, set goals, and fine-tune your workouts for optimal results.
  4. Virtual Workouts and Connectivity: With the rise of technology, stationary biking has evolved to offer virtual classes and connectivity options. You can join live or on-demand cycling classes, participate in virtual group rides, and connect with other cyclists from the comfort of your home.

Outdoor Cycling:

  1. Connection with Nature: Outdoor cycling offers a direct connection with nature and the surrounding environment. The changing landscapes, fresh air, and sensory experiences create a more immersive and engaging workout. Exploring new routes, tackling challenging terrains, and discovering hidden trails add an element of adventure to your fitness routine.
  2. Variety of Terrain: Unlike stationary biking, outdoor cycling allows you to experience a diverse range of terrains, from flat roads to steep hills and off-road trails. This variety engages different muscle groups, enhances your cardiovascular fitness, and challenges your skills as a cyclist.
  3. Social Interaction and Community: Cycling outdoors can be a social activity, whether you ride with friends, participate in group events, or connect with local cycling communities. The shared experiences, encouragement, and camaraderie contribute to a sense of belonging and motivation.
  4. Mental Refreshment: The outdoor environment offers mental refreshment and stress relief. Cycling amidst natural beauty and away from daily routines can improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and enhance your overall well-being.

These are the ones that start to give you more of an upper body and core workout. But biking isn’t the only cardio option.


Getting my workout on my Elliptical 1

Another option for cardio is walking. Not a stroll in the park but a good pace, sweat breaking pace.  I happen to believe that walking is an underrated cardio option. Just like biking, you have options with walking. Right now, I like to walk outside. It is warm and I get vitamin D to help with my immune system.

But you can just as easily walk on a treadmill when the weather is not cooperating. Your options are not limited.

“There are many reasons to walk for exercise,” says Ann Green, M.S., past heptathlon world athlete, yoga teacher and fitness studio owner. “Walking improves fitness, cardiac health, alleviates depression and fatigue, improves mood, creates less stress on joints and reduces pain, can prevent weight gain, reduce risk for cancer and chronic disease, improve endurance, circulation, and posture, and the list goes on…” (2)

Let’s say you are walking on a treadmill. You can’t just set the speed for 3 or 4 mph. Think about it… what is it like when you are walking outdoors. Do you just walk on one flat surface? Do you walk at one steady speed?

I don’t think you do. There are always little inclines and sometimes big hills. Try to aim for the same thing while you are walking on your treadmill.

A lot of treadmills have pre-programmed activities in them that mimic an outdoor walk. Take advantage of that.

So, we have talked about walking and biking. What is another cardio option that comes to mind? Running or jogging, of course.


For a lot of people, jogging is not their first choice for cardio.  With that said, there are a lot of benefits to jogging. Isn’t walking a lot like jogging? In some ways yes, but in other ways no. Yes, you can walk and jog on treadmills. Yes, you can walk and jog outdoors. Everyone pretty much knows that. 

Jogging is a fantastic way to strengthen your heart and improve cardiovascular fitness. As you engage in steady, rhythmic movement, your heart rate increases, pumping oxygen-rich blood to your muscles and organs. This repetitive demand on your cardiovascular system enhances its efficiency over time, leading to improved circulation, reduced risk of heart disease, and better overall heart health.

But, did you know that walking and jogging actually engages different muscle groups? Yep, it sure does. jogging engages a much larger group of muscles as well as exerts a greater force on your body.

For those aiming to shed excess weight, jogging can be a powerful ally. It’s a high-impact, weight-bearing exercise that burns a significant number of calories. The sustained effort involved in jogging increases your energy expenditure, making it an effective way to create a calorie deficit and contribute to weight loss or weight maintenance goals.

Because of the greater forces and exertion on your body, it may not be the right choice for you. Listen to your body and make the wisest choice.

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Final Words

Biking, walking, jogging/running … which is the best? Honestly, they all are beneficial. Anything that gets your heart pumping is a good cardio activity. Really, there are many many more than these three. But, to be honest, these are the three that crosses my mind (and I am guessing yours as well) first.

The bottom line is that you are exercising your heart and circulatory system.  Not only do cardio workouts help with your heart health, there are other benefits too.

  • Mental Health – “In a 1999 study mentioned in the review, a 16-week walking or jogging regimen (30 minutes, three times a week) was as effective at reducing depression symptoms as taking medication for the same length of time.” (3)
  • Stress Reduction – Exercise helps you to release the stresses of the day. I speak from experience. If I have had a particularly stressful day, I love to go for a good cardio session. It gives me the time to clear my head and relax.
  • Stronger Immune System – Now more than ever it is important to increase your immunity. Covid19 is the talk of the town.  According to medlineplus.gov ,“physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness. Exercise causes change in antibodies and white blood cells (WBC). WBCs are the body’s immune system cells that fight disease”.
  • Decreases Insulin Resistance – When your body has increased insulin resistance, you are more likely to get diabetes. Exercising can help decrease this resistance.
  • Increases Lifespan – Who isn’t looking to increase their lifespan? Cardio exercise helps to keep your heart healthy. With a healthy heart, you are less likely to suffer a heart attack or a stroke.
  • Helps You To Sleep Better – Last but not least, sleep. As I said before, exercising helps to reduce stress. When your stress is gone, you can relax. When you are relaxed, you sleep better.
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There you have it. No matter what your decide, the bottom line is to get some cardio time in. Bike, walk, jog, swim, dance… the list goes on. Let me know what you do for cardio maybeI will incorporate it into my exercise regime.

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